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Florida Institute for Community Studies (FICS) implements the Familia Adelante practice Click here to see coverage on TV Bay News 9
Familia Adelante graduation night conducted by Servicios de la Raza in Colorado Click here to see participant testimonials
News & Events
December 2021 "BAI Data is Helping Vaccinate LA" The following videos were created to help inform Latino and other communities about the importance of getting vaccinated. Focus groups are a useful tool to learn about the health needs of local communities: The Story of Onesimus Of Reasons and Rumors Happy Birthday, Granny Share Your Why - Donny Share Your Why - Noah
La Clinica de la Raza- Cultura y Bienestar : Improving Mental Health among Latinos in Oakland, Ca. BAI partnered with La Clinica de la Raza on a 4 year evaluation study to improve mental health for Latino's in Oakland, Ca. Participants improved with decreased mental health symptoms at post-survey administration. There was significant improvement in Psychological Distress-Anxiety, Psychological Distress-Depression, and Psychological Functioning - Daily Interference from Pretest to Posttest administration.
USC Multi-Unit Housing (MUH) Survey: Making a difference during the COVID-19 Pandemic BAI has partnered with USC to assess tenant and landlord perceptions about smoke free policies in multi-unit housing in LA County during the COVID-19 pandemic. This project seeks to inform smoke-free housing policies in the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles, by conducting surveys with tenants and landlords, and key informant interviews with landlords to assess tenant's exposure to SHS, perceptions of smoke-free apartments and policies, and their support for smoke-free policies.
Center for Health Justice - Center for Health Justice (CHJ) CHJ has partnered with BAI on projects that primarily involve incarcerated individuals and individuals who are reintegrating into society. CHJ have currently partnered on 3 ongoing projects which are Self Discovery in Motion (SDIM), Keepin' it Safe and Sexy (KISS), and Keepin' it Sober (KIS). SDIM (2017, CSAT Treatment Project) is a 5 year evaluation study that aims to provide substance abuse and/or mental health treatment for incarcerated and at-risk individuals in the Greater Los Angeles area. KISS (2021, CSAP Prevention Navigator Project) is a 5 year evaluation study that aims to improve substance abuse education and prevention practices for incarcerated and at-risk individuals in the Greater Los Angeles area. KIS (2021, CSAP Partnerships For Success Project) is a 5 year evaluation study that aims to improve substance abuse and STI education and prevention practices for incarcerated and at-risk individuals in the Greater Los Angeles area.
La Clinica de la Raza has partnered with BAI for current and past projects Projects primarily involve youth and young adults under the age of 25. Currently La Clinica de la Raza is providing its community with a Youth Opioid Response (YOR) treatment grant. YOR (2020, CSAT Treatment Project) is a 5 year evaluation study to provide substance abuse and/or mental health treatment for incarcerated and at-risk individuals in Oakland, CA and its surrounding areas. Past 30-day substance use as well as recent mental and/or emotional difficulties are taken into account for YOR.
BAI Researchers emphasize the importance of undoing structural barrier for behavioral health care “Cultural Competence as a Response to Structural Racism in Latino Substance Use and Access to Care in the United States” WRITTEN BY: Erick Guerrero, Tenie Khachikian, Richard C. Cervantes, Charles Kaplan, Rene D. Olate and Jennifer B. Unger
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Dr. Cervantes partners wth Duke University on Study The study describes the influence of acculturative stress and resilience on the syndemic factor underlying substance abuse, intimate partner violence, HIV risk and mental conditions.
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BAI has again partnered with Western University and will evaluate the WesternU Faculty Academy for Region 9 (WU FAR 9) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) funded project. The purpose of the proposed project is to create the Western U-Faculty Academy Region 9, consisting of academic-clinical- community partnerships, which develops and implements formal nurse education training curriculum used to train clinical nursing faculty and preceptors.
The purpose of this study was to develop the Hispanic Optimism and Personal Expectancy (HOPE), a measure of optimism related to the concept of the American Dream. This measure assesses beliefs that are shared by Hispanic/Latinx immigrants and non-immigrants about opportunities for advancement in the United States. Sage Publishing and Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences has published the article “Measuring Hispanic Optimism and Personal Expectancy”  by Dr. Richard C. Cervantes and colleagues.
BAI partners with the Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS in Phoenix, Arizona to expand services for substance abuse disorders s (SUDs), co-occurring mental health conditions (COD), and HIV/viral hepatitis services. Funded by SAMHSA, the Southwest Center-Recovery-Oriented Culturally Holistic (SWC ROCH) project,   offers a status-neutral approach to deliver whole-person care to expand HIV services throughout Maricopa County, AZ. BAI will oversee the project evaluation and will provide information on performance indicators and GPRA outcomes such as crime or criminal justice involvement, employment/education, and social connectedness. The purpose of this grant is to increase engagement in care for racial and ethnic medically underserved individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs) and/or co-occurring SUDs and mental health conditions (COD) who are at risk for or living with HIV.
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Transitioning Gang-Involved Youth to Higher Education Project BAI works to help gang-involved youth pursue higher education opportunities in Orange County. Funded by the Department of Education, the Transitioning Gang-Involved Youth to Higher Education (TGIY) grant was awarded to Project Youth Orange County (PYOC). BAI will oversee the project evaluation and will provide information on enrollment, retention and certification on gang involved youth participants, as well as other risk and resilience factors related to successful participation. The purpose of this grant is to work directly with gang-involved youth to help such youth pursue higher education opportunities that will lead to certification or credentials. PYOC has been working on the front lines with at-risk youth and their families for over 50 years.
Behavioral Assessment Inc., Partners with Duke University on an important randomized clinical trial to develop a family and community level intervention, Ser Familia. Behavioral Assessment Incorporated has now partnered with Duke to conduct a 5-year NIH study on the development of a community level intervention for immigrant families. The study is a follow-up to our previous NIMHD study where we were able to identify syndemic conditions among adult immigrant populations. Our new study, Ser Familia, will begin to address the syndemic conditions of depression domestic violence and substance abuse in a large-scale randomized clinical trial conducted in the research triangle area of North Carolina. For more information contact Dr. Richard Cervantes, co-principal investigator, NIMHD Ser Familia Study at: