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Cultural Stress and Obesity Among Hispanic Adults in Los Angeles In Los Angeles, Hispanic adults have the highest rates of obesity (29.4%) in the county, above all racial and ethnic groups. The association between psychosocial stress and obesity is well documented; life stressors were correlated with a 16% increase in the risk for obesity in Hispanics. However, there are no studies on how cultural stressors, such as those related to immigration and intergenerational conflict, relate to obesity in Hispanics. The current study used the Hispanic Stress Inventory-2 (HSI2) to examine the relationship between cultural stressors and body mass index (BMI) in a sample of 330 U.S. born and immigrant Hispanic adults in Los Angeles, California. This study is part of an on-going NIMHD funded project to standardize the HSI2.
Tailoring Treatment to the unique needs and stressors of Latino Adolescents - Experiences and Findings from the Culturally Informed and Flexible Family Therapy Program The presentation provides: 1) an overview of behavioral health, conduct and delinquency problems in Hispanic Adolescents; 2) gives an overview of current treatments for conduct problems, including drug use among Hispanic adolescents 3) provides a synopsis of CIFFTA, a recently developed, culturally tailored treatment for Hispanic adolescents; 4) discusses the integration of culturally based Stress assessment as a diagnostic and "tailoring" tool and 5) provides information about the Hispanic Stress Inventories and how they are used in the CIFFTA treatment tailoring for youth and parents.
Examining the influence of cultural stressors on depression in Hispanic adolescents Objective. Stress associated with family expectations and planning for the future are normative experiences of adolescence. However, Hispanic adolescents also face non-normative culturally specific stressors such as anti- immigrant attitudes, family separation issues, and negative public references toward their ethnic identity. Currently, there are few studies that identify how culturally specific stressors impact mental health, particularly among youth in clinical settings. The current study aimed to identify: (1) how cultural stressors differ for adolescents in clinical treatment compared to adolescents in the general population; (2) the association between cultural stress and depression, net the effects of gender; and (3) if group membership (e.g. clinical versus non-clinical setting) moderates the relationship between cultural stress and depression
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